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No New Posts Norman Osborn’s Office

A long, high rook which would resemble a library or a museum more then an office if it were not for the desk at the very end. One long green carpet lies on the polished hard wood floor from the door to the old world wood desk. Along the walls dozens of book shelves, pictured and most of all masks from all over the world can be seen hanging for Norman’s pleasure. There is also a fireplace with coffee table and 2 chairs, a mega-television system and smaller monitoring televisions around it and a huge wall sized window looking our on the city behind Norman Osborn’s desk.

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No New Posts Research and Development Labs

On many levels of this building the Research and Development labs for all Oscorp projects, technologies, chemicals etc. can be found. These labs sport the latest in high tech, revolutionary technologies to better help the Oscorp scientists in all areas of the job.

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No New Posts Goblin Labs

Hidden within the building and only accessible by Osborn himself is his Secret Goblin Labs. These labs are where Osborn himself carries out his illegal experiments and develops not only his Green Goblin costume, weapons and vehicles but also any other diabolical project he can devise to help him in his pursuits.

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No New Posts The Jackal’s Labs

In the bowls of the building these three levels of labs can only be described as Frankenstein’s own nightmare. Here the Jackal under Osborn’s employ carries out his numerous sick and twisted genetic experiments for what he believes is the betterment of the human condition.

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Oscorp Industries International Headquarters

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Battling Beauties
Green Goblin - Norman Osborn 8 674 by Green Goblin - Norman Osborn
Jan 11, 2010 5:07:20 GMT -5


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Oscorp Industries International Headquarters
A mega building which houses the numerous business offices of Oscorp Industries. The Company run by Norman Osborn is primarily a Chemical, Technology and Weapons manufacturer. The interior of Oscorp is a legitimate business catering to many branches of the world’s technological and chemical needs as well as the weapons trade with UN Governments. Behind closed doors there are many other things going on...
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